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White Label Hotel Booking Engine for Hotel Website

You can now use your booking engine from your own website! With our new embedding widget, you can take reservations directly from any website. Your reservations are easy, secure, and commission-free.

Hotel White Label Booking Engine for Hotel Website.

Get a Widget

To make an embedding widget, go to ‘My Hotel > My Booking Engine’ in the navigation menu on the left. Copy the HTML code under the panel titled ‘White Label/Widget Embedding’ and paste it into a new document.

Hotel White Label Booking Engine 
            You can now use your booking engine from your own website! With our new embedding widget, you can take reservations directly from any website. Your reservations are easy, secure, and commission-free.

Save the document as a *.html file and upload it to your website.

Hotel White Label Booking Engine 
            You can now use your booking engine from your own website! With our new embedding widget, you can take reservations directly from any website. Your reservations are easy, secure, and commission-free.

That’s it! You now have your very own white label booking engine to take reservations from any website, including all the major CMS platforms, like WordPress and Drupal.

Hotel White Label Booking Engine 
            You can now use your booking engine from your own website! With our new embedding widget, you can take reservations directly from any website. Your reservations are easy, secure, and commission-free.

Match to Your Website

You can match your booking engine to your website. In the same place where you created your Embedding Widget, click ‘Settings.’ Scroll down to ‘Style Settings.’

Hotel White Label Booking Engine 
            You can now use your booking engine from your own website! With our new embedding widget, you can take reservations directly from any website. Your reservations are easy, secure, and commission-free.

Here you can edit your layout, theme, buttons, add photos, etc. For more on how to edit style settings, read this blog post, and this one.


You can use embedding widgets to take reservations from any website. Guests can browse your available rooms and rates without leaving your site, and you can match your booking engine to your website for a total immersive experience.

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