Hotel Room Adding additional fees for example a pet fee and or housekeeping fee, etc.
You have a few options available:
For the additional fee for pets, you may want to create a Rate Plan titled ‘Add a Pet’ where you make the rate adjustment the amount you would like to charge for adding a pet. In this case you can either make it a percentage of the booking, or a fixed fee, and you can decide whether to add this fee for each night of the reservation, or just a single fee for the whole booking.
So anyone who books with your property and wants to bring along a pet can choose this rate and the additional fee will be automatically added.
To add a cleaning fee, you can add it as a ‘tax’. This is assuming you want to add the cleaning fee to every booking. Go to ‘My Hotel > Taxes’ and add it as a tax. Again, you can choose to make it a fixed fee or a percentage of the booking.
If you just need to add a one time fee to a booking, you can just add a billing item to the reservation. To do that, open the reservation, then click the tab for ‘Room Bill’ and click ‘Add Item’.
The name that shows up on the bill is the name you use when you create the item. You can make it whatever you like.
As a side note, you may not want to create a Tax item for pets because that will be added to every booking. You may want to go with one of the other options. For example, the cleaning fee makes more sense as a Tax because every room will be cleaned, and that makes sense to add to every booking.
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